What makes you itch? Weekend reading worth jumping into.

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do.” – Johann Von Goethe

“Expecting is the greatest impediment to living. In anticipation of tomorrow, it loses today”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Go for it

We love to read and share – here’s some notable things from the last week covering life, investing, planning, and caveman living plus a look at what we were up to this time last year.


“Sustainable Living” wasn’t part of our grandparents’ vocabulary….Entitlement

What $376.45 and $1.23 have in common,  – Hungry Planet: How The World Eats, or Doesn’t

Both Liberals and Conservatives are talking tax cuts – both need to think carefully – Overtaxing the rich: A cautionary tale


You owe it to yourself to ask – Questions to ask your financial advisor

It still surprises me that Vanguard isn’t way way more important in Canada – 6 ways Vanguard has changed the way people invest

When I say risk and you say risk we likely mean different things – Speaking the Language of Risk

The evidence is clear, active investing offers a hollow promise of outperformance – Research Confirms That Active Management Disappoints Investors

Only four funds have beaten the S&P 500 for the last eight years – Index funds killed the mutual fund star

This is hilarious but we shouldn’t be surprised – What Type of Investors Perform Best?

Do you want to be a better investor? Keep your emotions at bay – Emotions can hurt your investments

It may be repetitive reading, but so are a host of other things that are good for you – Another reminder that most active managers fail


We are the sandwich generation….mmmmm…..sandwich…..  Financial stress: Strategies for the sandwich generation

I’ve said it before – I don’t think this ends well – The debt ‘crisis’ in Canada? If your paycheque is $100,000 plus, that means you

What is goals based investing? – Investing for your financial goals

How does this not end badly? – Growing popularity of home equity lines of credit spurs debt warnings

Caveman Living

Time to get off the “shame train” – Food Shame: The Morality of Eating

This time last year

Machu Picchu 2
On top of an ancient world – Machu Picchu, Peru